[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/myrescuerocks/0011-15_06_30_patti_meyers_final_mixdown.mp3″ title=”Mikey’s Pad: How a Promise to One Dog Soothed the Souls of Many with Patti Meyers” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]
Today I’m excited to introduce a woman that we can all take a lesson from. As rescuers, we often take on the pets we’re afraid the average adopter would shy away from or at the very least would label as a challenge. I’ve found this over and over again when meeting you really dedicated volunteers out there, but today’s guest takes on rescues that even the most dedicated advocates would hesitate on.
Patti Meyers cares for senior pets and terminally ill pets that don’t have much time left. I hear so many people say that they could never adopt a dog or cat just to lose them so quickly, those same excuses have come out of my own mouth, so that’s why I’m in awe of what Patti does, totally humbled would be a better way to describe it.
Five years ago, Patti’s father passed away and, as a way to keep busy and get out of her funk, as she told me, she began volunteering at Pets Alive, and that’s how Patti met her first foster dog. He was a five-year-old Rottweiler who was abandoned and, they found out later, sick with cancer.
Click play above to hear Patti’s story!
Resources Mentioned in the Show:
Monika’s story about Mikey – How Mikey Found Love
Only Kindness Inc (cat rescue)
Shay Roda of Flawless Paws Pet Grooming – who does tons of volunteer work for Pets Alive
The Lost Dogs – Michael Vick’s Dogs and their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Jim Gorant


Intro/outro music by Mark Hermann of Rock & Roll Zen & voiceover by Tim Paige of Tim the Paige
There was no other music or sound effects in this particular episode =(… but don’t worry, I’ll bring back the fun soon!
You Could Win! Get in the My Rescue Rocks Raffle!
This week’s giveaway prize is:
The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick’s Dogs and their Tale of Rescue and Redemption written by Jim Gorant
This is an incredible book that will give you the true stories behind the pit bulls that were saved from Michael Vick’s fighting ring. I’m not going to lie, it’s a tear-jerker in the beginning, and you won’t want to go on, but overall this is an inspirational, uplifting book that anyone who thinks they know anything about pit bulls just has to read. If you win this book in our raffle you’ll be able to choose from the paperback, the Kindle eBook, or the audio version if you like! Find out more on Amazon.
How can you enter?
Just head on over to iTunes and leave us a rating and review! You’ll not only be helping us out, but you’ll be automatically entered to win awesome prizes in the My Rescue Rocks Raffle! Every week, for the first ten weeks of the show, I’m adding another prize to the pot and I’ll announce the lucky winners on September 25th.
Subscribe to the show on iTunes… and if you like it, I’d absolutely love a rating and review! This is THE best way to support this show.